Wednesday 21 December 2011

Paper Salad placement- week2

Another good week at Paper Salad; to start off with I put the shop that's located at the front of the studio  back together, as over the weekend they'd attended a school fair, so everything had to be put back in place and re-arranged. I was able to use they're die-cutter which is different from my own, but it was good to get a feel of a different machine and test it out. Once again I was working on orders; somethimes for big companies such as Paperchase, who is also one of Paper Salad's biggest customers, they have a particular liking for a certain "New Home" card as they keep ordering it- and in large quanities :) I was also cutting out gift vouchers, which will be sent out to clients. I was hand-finishing card ranges too and helped Emma send out Christmas cards to clients. Some day's in the afternoon I was able to work on my own designs; which was really good as I kept getting ideas throught the week.
Karen and Claire set me a mini project brief on Thursday; to come up with some design ideas for coaster, which had to include a cup, buscuits, name of person and a quote e.g. "cuppa". Once I was done they gave me their opinions and feedback; something helpful to add to my portfolio.
I finished for Christmas now but hopefully will be back in the new year.

Friday 9 December 2011

Placement; Studio assistant- Paper Salad

Started placement at Paper Salad on the 5th; they're a small card and gift wrap design company based in Cheshire. Karen and Claire are the designers who own the business and Emma is the studio director who helps run it- organising the studio and card ranges, sorting out orders and overseeing to the packing of the card orders etc.
First day didn't go great due to the fact I was ill, but apart from that the first week was quite good. I got to work on a new range of cards that had just come in, hand-finishing sample sets to be sent out to buyers and clients. Made up a selection of cards for orders- one was over 500 of the same design!
I was able to see some of the designs Karen and Claire have been working on for a new range which will come out for next year; I feel privledged to see the designs in process :)
I even made a mock-up of a gift bag set of designs; ready to be photographed and sent off to the buyers and will be a range of Christmas gift bags brought out by Glick next year!
Paper Salad shop at front of the studio

Saturday 3 December 2011

Made in WA craft fair- 3rd Dec 2011

Last week was a none stop of designing and printing designs etc and it paid off. Today went really well- and being fully indoors made it even better. Made a good profit and lots of people interested in my work. Did a comission for an ordered piece. Defentally will be doing another one of WA's again next year.
Stall @ WA